WOW...What A Clown!!!
I feel bad for talking about a fellow African!!!!
Thank god hes from Ghana and not Nigeria
But this nigga sucks!!!
The newest artist on Colliparks Label...the same label the houses Soulja Boy
This is what hip hop has come to!!!!
you gotta watch this freestyle...i really think this boy is special ed....!!!
and or is trying to hard!!!!!
someone save hip hop!!!!!!
PS: "yeaaaaah....im from College Park" lol
Congrats Mr. VIC....but know one gives a fuck!!!!
Dang he is hella garbage! That's what C. Park is putting out? He said absolutely nothing about nothing, but i guess we shouldn't expect much from the label that houses Soulja Boy. Clearly it's better to have Mr. Collipark produce your song rathee than being on his label.
he definitely looks like something is wrong wit him. ugh...NEXT!
WTF?? fake ass wayne.. I couldn;t have said it better
THANK GOD he's from Ghana and NOT nigeria!!
man.. i'm scared!! i don't want ppl to think Nigerians are like that!!
LOVE LIFE man...:-(